
Click Here to Submit your sponsorship and to generate an invoice
Want to donate online? Click this link to send a donation online

 contact Tonya Hill with any sponsorship questions at 956/566-0442.

The American Junior Simbrah Roundup welcomes sponsors for the following items:

Buckle/Division Champion Sponsorship - $200

AJSR presents buckles to the top three over-all exhibitors in the three age categories.  
A total of nine over-all buckles are presented at the banquet.

Exhibitor Shirt Sponsorship - $400

All exhibitors are given 2 AJSR shirts to wear for all AJSR events.
This sponsorship funds T-shirts for 20 exhibitors, with a total of five sponsorships total.  
Create a group of five, and sponsor them all!!

Leadership Event Sponsorship - $750

By sponsoring an event, you are providing awards for 15 exhibitors in one of the six events AJSR holds.
The top five in each division are awarded nice custom prizes.

Click Here to Submit your sponsorship and to generate an invoice


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